Wednesday, June 15, 2011

#VivaFrido #iFoundFrido: 1st things 1st

#VivaFrido #iFoundFrido: 1st things 1st:


Dre said Love Everyday

1st things 1st






One Belief


Dre said Love Everyday

I miss you.
I'm learning to be a better Uncle by not getting in the way
of nature. I'm learning to be a better Benni by not getting in the way of nature. I'm learning to be a better human by.... it's natural to click where I say not to.

Don't click HERE
I have a job! They love my ideas... you can read more about
it on my page. HEHE, click click click.
Don’t tell that no good baby daddy of your’s I love him. His
mommy called him a piece of work. I know what kind of piece his workers call him. There’s a lot of pieces of “art” in the Keys. The islands are where innovative minds release their bowels and relax. It’s where billionares shit. You live in my sewer.
EWWW Uncle Benni smells like “CLICK HERE” ART

He made me dance for him and play slave. I even had to put
on black face. He loved that he could put me in his place (my place is high, he put me down). Anyways, the secrete is craigslist in san fran is full of high paying creative jobs that's based in california, but you can work from home in your free time. I saw one that is 5 to 20 hours a week standing at one spot in miami taking pictures of an intersection. They pay per picture that they publish in cult of mac. If they like it, they fly you here, put you up in a nice home and treat you like royalty as they fund your next vacation and say live like you are poor, but here’s $25,000. I get to stay in the editor's house, so I can put in a good word for you. He loved my ideas about key largo. He showed me how to make others show me their cards. He called me the “Young man at Sea”
He's designing my app that tells mean bosses to go to hell.
All you do is press a button and it releases all the dirt you stashed from private blogs, private tweets, and posts a craigslist ad on to a website. Then it says, "I don't need this damn job, you can take it and shove it...” and then you can program it for your own phrases like Jim Cramers sound board. That'll be cooler on the iPad. I'll give this away for free of course, but the web page... you get free membership after you released pressed the bullshit button on that crackin ass cracker. I get paid per click. How many people want to click the link that blows up vault of your evil employers dirt? This is legal, I figured out the loop hole. If bosses understand the power behind my iphone, they will ban it. Well then call your friend with the ipad, he has more power. Members of my club’s web page get my manual on how to catch a whale with a tweet.
I broke the #Apple #Google #YouTube #4sq #Twitter #Facebook
#EAsports code. I have a beautiful mind with a cherry on top. I named Sofia my cherry. She popped my bubble I was living in. She knows how to manage my creative thought process so it doesn't harm others. Who's the genus, her or me? I rule the world on twitter with 140 characters every two minutes for 3 months. She rules my world in a second, with a kiss. 420/3=140/10=14/2=7/7=1 TRUTH what’s the next three numbers in

420 3 140 10 14 2 7 7 1 = you are hired
It's a gig. Let's work together and show those greedy people
in/on the reef that the highest paying jobs are one you can do in a click, snap shot, keynote, and success is ONLY with the help of others. I could help the Mr Riva once he figures out how to organize his thoughts. He's the smartest man in the Keys. He understands social currency. Did you know a #facebook friend is worth $3.80? A #twitter fan is worth 50 cents. Did you know #50 cent is worth 2 #billion? How much is a youtube channel worth at the rate my market base is growing? Your facebook and my twitter followers... plus my off shore account is worth 3x that crackers "self" worth. He's worthless because he has no friends, and no education. #HAHA He said he'll pay me for what I'm worth. I'll contract him to build my building and do the same.  I'll do it with love and feed my laborers. It's the least a human can do for another who vollenteers their sweat for a wage.  Pay a man 5 and hour and you get 5 an hour’s worth. I work as hard tomorrow as you paid me today. It’s backwards. It’s the cart before the horse. American is ass backwards. I am Miami
I'm working on that, I'm going to this school... Standford,
it's some luny bin for crazy people who ride around town on a low rider tricycle wearing a sailor hat. They gave me a ride (schalorship) ... on a train to the moon.
My speling, organizing, execution sucks.... but i can hire
those. I have more than a general contractor license. I have ideas. I have the idea for a building, and I hire $ANTS so I can piss on them!.... with love so they learn not to work for pennies... or millions, money is worthless. People are the best investment there is. I don’t want rich white ladies to give me a dime. They said they won’t until I show them how I’ll make them a dollar. My method is more powerful than her connections because my words are published. Show me love, care, and donate to my cause and I’ll give you the world. Tell me “Stop it” after I’m on the radio and
DAMNIT My thought process was interrupted with an
earthquake. I’ll print and send raw copy. I’ll edit later.
Prima, I miss you. I'm learning to be a better Uncle Benni
Frido by not getting in the way of nature. I have a job! They love my ideas... you can read more about it on my page. HEHE, click click click.
Here's a secret! SHHHH don't tell anyone. Especially that
guy David Thompson The craigslist in san fran is full of high paying creative jobs that's based here , but you work from home. I saw one that is 5 to 20 hours a week standing at one spot in miami taking pictures of an intersection. They pay per picture that they publish in cult of mac.
It's a gig. Let's work together and show those greedy people
in ocean reef that the highest paying jobs are one you can do in a click, snap shot, keynote, and success if ONLY with the help of others. I could use Tommy Brashares once he figures out how to organize his thoughts.
I'm working on that, I'm going to this school... Standford,
it's some luny bin for crazy people who ride around town on a low rider tricycle wearing a sailor hat. They gave me a ride (schalorship) ... on a train to the moon.
My speling, organizing, execution sucks.... but i can hire
those. I have more than a general contractor license. I have ideas. I have the idea for a building, and I hire $ANTS so I can piss on them!.... with love so they learn not to work for pennies... or millions, money is worthless.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Private promoted to Captain

Polish guy walks into a bar. Ouch that hurt!

"Where's my people- where's my vodka?" @PapaMusta

Convo based from Jett Lee and Artist Archuletta- #LuLu

#Frido- I designed iPad #7. It's a hover pad.

#Lulu - Isn't that from #B2F? Does it star Megan fox and the other transformers? Do you have to line it? #Hook it up to a #rail?

#Frido- It does! Zaps aliens with lazers. Comes home to Steve... #LOL they're married. There's ap for the chocolate factory. It's a virtual real life expiernce fudge packing skateboard the government named Doc.OhShit

"Marty he's in a 46 ford, we're in a delorian"

#wtf #420 I want what this guy is on! play #FindFrido

#4sq McDonalds


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Stevens Creek Blvd,San Jose,United States

Saturday, June 11, 2011

In 2051... the world changed!

I sell concepts. I'll shoot a YouTube video, load it on my webpage, and if it's popular... I'll sell the idea again, but with a staff and professional equipment. When I sell I say I have cameras, mikes, production equipment, and when I show up... I show only my iPhone.

Sofie thinks my sells technique is lying. She threw a fit infront of my 1st client and walked out. Luckily I got the contact to sell later.

Help me learn to communicate with her, please. I love her so much, but shell tell people I have crazy ideas. How can I find work if she doesn't understand how to not kill my sell?

God says we spread more love by forgiving. I forgive her for taking business from me. I hope she forgives me for "lying"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Cameo Dr,San Jose,United States

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Dear Preston and Eric,

I moved to key largo from Tallahassee for a promising job just for the company to use my ideas and not hire me. She even said to me as a hungry person that $100,000,000 isn't a lot of money. This hurt me enough to start a blog. #vivaFrido

I'm frido and have been listening to you guys for years. Two years ago I was laid off by the bankster. The next day I saw my CEO get arrested for spending more on a toilet than my salary with tarp funds. Then the bank who fired me expected me to pay my mortgage. I have to live in a camper because they took my roof away.

I listened to you, CNBC, and other news as I search for a job. I've been on unemployment for over 2 years searching hard for work. I hear you on iHeart radio. I have a large following via my 45 twitter accounts and there's a bunch of us with MBAs talking on the playstation network.

I've received a lot of buzz on the political stunt at the heat game two as I felt our teams loss. I walked with the conch republic flag all over Miami leading people to cheer up in the keys.

What's the conch republic? We are the Keys! We are sick of our government hurting us as we see 1st hand the effects on tourism, environment, housing, and employment.

I represent them as Ambassador of Conch Republic Czar of Twitter. They drive 6 miles an hour in Keys so they recruited a young whipper snapper to play on his iPhone. Tweet tweet tweet

I'm raising money for children of unemployed who need to recover from surgeries. Well put them up on the keys with accommodations and play playstation for a month.

There's a dead station in Keys as your sister station. I actually got their twitter name before they did. How do I get heard as 28 year old unemployed blogger wishing to run for County Office in Monroe County?

I'm in Tallahassee until Thursday. I'm going to California to learn more about co-op management and twitter campaigns. They rent is too damn high in keys for locals to rent office space.

I'll be visiting my friend weaver at TMH 612. He was ran over by a man who shouldn't be allowed to drive and will have to learn to walk again. Please visit him.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Old Bumpy Rd,Tallahassee,United States

Monday, June 6, 2011

Dear Frido

Listen to this while reading <iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Dear Frido,

I'm glad you are out free and safe! Take a deep breath and kiss your momma. She worried about you nonstop. Take a few more deep breathes after you shave your face and take a swim at the beach symbolizing new life. Now take one more really big one, hold your breath under water and come up with those man pipes you have, grab your balls #vivaFRIDO!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been thinking 1,000 miles an hour so I don't miss my one opportunity in life. You have too. We are the same. You #follow? They call us crazy because we live in camps that we can afford. They laugh at us because we watch our flat TV on a bootleg cable rig that runs out to papi's spot. HAHA look at me? Look at you! Yo baby momma works three jobs and still stresses your world with child support. Who got a problem, now? I'm straight! Mami rolls da  #5dolla #FridoFattie and papi found a place on a kayak that he can final clear his head with some #iTunes & #freshair. I hope you logged your pain down while caged. I'm about to teach you a few things. Let me tell you what time it is in 2011, you've missed a few things.

 Lesson one- #Papertalks #deadmanwalks. I did this in Ft. Sill- I wrote to everyone's mom and told them to send him cookies. It was messed up when we got to eat them as he did push ups. Then we all right "wilson's mom, send some #KeyLimePie and he had to push up eat it. Wilson left strong we mess with PG all day. I'd sell my time on night watch and read the news paper so I was in touch with the world. #SleepSucks I received letters from all over the world after writing to random addresses to newspapers.  Kat Williams was talking about us when he said, "They put a REAL tiger in the mall behind a cage. All day he waits for a tourist to come. Right here?! This cage right here! I wish you would!!! Go-wn step rite inn the water is warm - ROAR!!!... Aja, that fool just took a camera phone picture of me during my morning roar... oh heeeeell naaaah..." How we gonna kill our dinner if they gonna dis my roar!?- #HAHA I can tell  you old jokes, they new to you. Laugh now #IronMike, it's ok you safe... take a #chillpill and relax. Watch Tyson. Read #Job37

Remember #FridoRule one? Make money legally now is rule one, ok mang? #FridoFigher #516005 Know Dios es Amor.  Not only have I been thinking of you, but of my other family members, my friends' primos, the people you met in the yard, and the crazy white boys I met in college who did keg stands and went streaking into the the quad and into the gymnasium after he told Snoop Dogg bring your green hat. Primo, don't party with those guys anymore. The nerds from high school who didn't skip Christmas mass to throw eggs off the projects on traffic, they are living in houses now. Look at you living with your momma. I'm in circles with #TPain #Pitbull #Shakira #SofieVergara #LilWayne #Silverman. Write me a song for those people and all the #trendingtopics of this letter and I'll shoot you a music video on my channel.

You went away as a boy for beating up your brother, come back like a man. Make up with your brother. Don't tell me he's a jerk... I don't want to hear you talking bad about my family. Frido- he has has work for you with shipping or sweeping and you need to learn to love your brother. After you love your brother, the two of you can figure out how to build a #KeysBridge for my family to have reunions at my vacation house in the Keys. This is a big job because we have family all over. I need to make it too good to be true.

Lesson one... I have to tell you three times because you are blind if I don't. Make legal money! Put me in commissioner seat and "let's really get to work". I made a few silly music and comedy videos because that's the only way I knew how to communicate with you where you will listen thru your thick skull. You represent a nation of juveniles who struggle in the slums. I love you that's why I smack that big ugly #FridoEgg you have! Eh!

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The only problem is that american hood has no idea about the true #OG ghettos of #Poland... or #Cuba #China #Venezuela. They complain that there great great grandpa was a #slave. #Bitnagga #getouttahere with that #buul. My pa's old man lived thru nazi germany. Then my Dad had to defect communism to states in #76. They laughed at him because he was Polish and helping inmates under his mission of St. Max Kolbe It's so hard these days, even for the gringo college boy. He's workin' at in-n-out trying to be a youtube rapper. #theytukRjobs We gotta hit #loop a few times and think about our next big move.

I have work for you. Once we get enough youtube attention between all of us, there's a radio station who wants to give me a iHeart satillite radio show that's international, but will be based in my vacation home in the Keys. We can DJ from amsterdam, poland, california, miami, & a girl in colombia saying "si papi jaja you so loco gringo!" as our cheerleader on air. She has to meet my girlfriend's standard of class and fit the image of Pawel's "#bigassKeys" champaign. We'll have a sticker they can download our image and load #Twitpics to our website. The most marketable #bigass wins a vacation to the Keys and Jamaica for footage for @PapaMusta next video.

We'll play video games that's broadcasted #LIVE on youtube as #DJFrido interviews rappers and gets footage for his videos. My friend will announce our #FIFA games like it's a real #worldcup! People will wait in line for the chance to win an iPad 3 by winning a video golf game. We can do a parent-kid video game tournament going with a special award of Best Grandma at Super Mario Brothers. Babcia used to play that game with me before I gave the system to my brothers in Poland.

Do I have your attention, yet?!? There's money in youtube and video games Send donations to @LegendaryKeys to support the #FridoAkRite & #fixURlife so I can hire you without messing up mine.

I need to be able to trust you if you want to #followme. If you aren't ready, be thinking "day-n-nite" about how you can build your empire. Don't make a youtube channel until you get us on board with your idea. Let's give the elders respect and let the oldest brother direct us. We will be his #FridoFighters and help his cause of loving big asses. It will take some time and experience as a youtube viewer of the latest ideas. Once you watch youtube for a year, you'll know how to get the next big idea. I can work with you on skype in your ideas. Help me  by helping yourself and the money you earn me I will use that for our businesses, I'll send you things that will help your business. I want us to have team jerseys, iPads, the latest video games, and good video cameras. We all need to fit all our images perfectly that we promote each other without causing harm.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

#VivaFrido: There's a campaign starting today @KeyLargoFL on T...

#VivaFrido: There's a campaign starting today @KeyLargoFL on T...: "My name is Benjamin Alexander Thaddeus John Horbowy; I am 28 years old and I lead a large international following from my iPhones over 40 so..."