Wednesday, June 15, 2011

1st things 1st






One Belief


Dre said Love Everyday

I miss you.
I'm learning to be a better Uncle by not getting in the way
of nature. I'm learning to be a better Benni by not getting in the way of nature. I'm learning to be a better human by.... it's natural to click where I say not to.

Don't click HERE
I have a job! They love my ideas... you can read more about
it on my page. HEHE, click click click.
Don’t tell that no good baby daddy of your’s I love him. His
mommy called him a piece of work. I know what kind of piece his workers call him. There’s a lot of pieces of “art” in the Keys. The islands are where innovative minds release their bowels and relax. It’s where billionares shit. You live in my sewer.
EWWW Uncle Benni smells like “CLICK HERE” ART

He made me dance for him and play slave. I even had to put
on black face. He loved that he could put me in his place (my place is high, he put me down). Anyways, the secrete is craigslist in san fran is full of high paying creative jobs that's based in california, but you can work from home in your free time. I saw one that is 5 to 20 hours a week standing at one spot in miami taking pictures of an intersection. They pay per picture that they publish in cult of mac. If they like it, they fly you here, put you up in a nice home and treat you like royalty as they fund your next vacation and say live like you are poor, but here’s $25,000. I get to stay in the editor's house, so I can put in a good word for you. He loved my ideas about key largo. He showed me how to make others show me their cards. He called me the “Young man at Sea”
He's designing my app that tells mean bosses to go to hell.
All you do is press a button and it releases all the dirt you stashed from private blogs, private tweets, and posts a craigslist ad on to a website. Then it says, "I don't need this damn job, you can take it and shove it...” and then you can program it for your own phrases like Jim Cramers sound board. That'll be cooler on the iPad. I'll give this away for free of course, but the web page... you get free membership after you released pressed the bullshit button on that crackin ass cracker. I get paid per click. How many people want to click the link that blows up vault of your evil employers dirt? This is legal, I figured out the loop hole. If bosses understand the power behind my iphone, they will ban it. Well then call your friend with the ipad, he has more power. Members of my club’s web page get my manual on how to catch a whale with a tweet.
I broke the #Apple #Google #YouTube #4sq #Twitter #Facebook
#EAsports code. I have a beautiful mind with a cherry on top. I named Sofia my cherry. She popped my bubble I was living in. She knows how to manage my creative thought process so it doesn't harm others. Who's the genus, her or me? I rule the world on twitter with 140 characters every two minutes for 3 months. She rules my world in a second, with a kiss. 420/3=140/10=14/2=7/7=1 TRUTH what’s the next three numbers in

420 3 140 10 14 2 7 7 1 = you are hired
It's a gig. Let's work together and show those greedy people
in/on the reef that the highest paying jobs are one you can do in a click, snap shot, keynote, and success is ONLY with the help of others. I could help the Mr Riva once he figures out how to organize his thoughts. He's the smartest man in the Keys. He understands social currency. Did you know a #facebook friend is worth $3.80? A #twitter fan is worth 50 cents. Did you know #50 cent is worth 2 #billion? How much is a youtube channel worth at the rate my market base is growing? Your facebook and my twitter followers... plus my off shore account is worth 3x that crackers "self" worth. He's worthless because he has no friends, and no education. #HAHA He said he'll pay me for what I'm worth. I'll contract him to build my building and do the same.  I'll do it with love and feed my laborers. It's the least a human can do for another who vollenteers their sweat for a wage.  Pay a man 5 and hour and you get 5 an hour’s worth. I work as hard tomorrow as you paid me today. It’s backwards. It’s the cart before the horse. American is ass backwards. I am Miami
I'm working on that, I'm going to this school... Standford,
it's some luny bin for crazy people who ride around town on a low rider tricycle wearing a sailor hat. They gave me a ride (schalorship) ... on a train to the moon.
My speling, organizing, execution sucks.... but i can hire
those. I have more than a general contractor license. I have ideas. I have the idea for a building, and I hire $ANTS so I can piss on them!.... with love so they learn not to work for pennies... or millions, money is worthless. People are the best investment there is. I don’t want rich white ladies to give me a dime. They said they won’t until I show them how I’ll make them a dollar. My method is more powerful than her connections because my words are published. Show me love, care, and donate to my cause and I’ll give you the world. Tell me “Stop it” after I’m on the radio and
DAMNIT My thought process was interrupted with an
earthquake. I’ll print and send raw copy. I’ll edit later.
Prima, I miss you. I'm learning to be a better Uncle Benni
Frido by not getting in the way of nature. I have a job! They love my ideas... you can read more about it on my page. HEHE, click click click.
Here's a secret! SHHHH don't tell anyone. Especially that
guy David Thompson The craigslist in san fran is full of high paying creative jobs that's based here , but you work from home. I saw one that is 5 to 20 hours a week standing at one spot in miami taking pictures of an intersection. They pay per picture that they publish in cult of mac.
It's a gig. Let's work together and show those greedy people
in ocean reef that the highest paying jobs are one you can do in a click, snap shot, keynote, and success if ONLY with the help of others. I could use Tommy Brashares once he figures out how to organize his thoughts.
I'm working on that, I'm going to this school... Standford,
it's some luny bin for crazy people who ride around town on a low rider tricycle wearing a sailor hat. They gave me a ride (schalorship) ... on a train to the moon.
My speling, organizing, execution sucks.... but i can hire
those. I have more than a general contractor license. I have ideas. I have the idea for a building, and I hire $ANTS so I can piss on them!.... with love so they learn not to work for pennies... or millions, money is worthless.


  1. Please leave a comment if you hated it. Please spread love if you liked it. Please pass it to the left #pasapaca

  2. Who is in the BC?! Kiss my Keyster, dam it! 

    I didn't mean to release my notes! Sorry... But thank you for the ideas. 

    Someone should pay me to sink my ship. My grandpa is a Captain... He's casket is $5,000. He's healthy and was a blogger since the 20s. We'll need a bigger ship to get my family from Colombia to Poland one day.

    I see now how he became a CEO. Being righteous and innovative.

    Do yourself a favor. Lock your wifi, please. If you give it away, sign a privacy agreement. I'm not a thief. I'm the pirate of silicon valley. 

    I own a limo service who gives free rides. When you ride, you sign over any ideas to Barran Key Love LLC. Morons take the free ride around town with a "deaf" driver. 

    Who's laughing now? LOL look at that crazy guy ... The one with all the ideas.

    When you give free, you get a customer!

    Sent from my friends' FREE iPhone 

    I sent the damn thing

    You can sue me. Lock me up please for stealing free ideas given to me. My contacts have the password to my software. How many contacts are loaded in my account for constant contact? 

    Tell patty I said hi. She created a buzz person. Thank you Marshell, your check to the boys and girls club has been sent for $1000. Thanks for the work, I hope you got your money worth. Dave, you owe me $15 and those restaurant gift cards. Give them to my cousin so my niece can eat your dinner and stick you with the bill. Ask Erica how she likes her new job. Tell Jonny he won lol! 

    Give people what they need, not what the want. Hard one love! 

    Lesson 1- complete 
