Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Dear Preston and Eric,

I moved to key largo from Tallahassee for a promising job just for the company to use my ideas and not hire me. She even said to me as a hungry person that $100,000,000 isn't a lot of money. This hurt me enough to start a blog. #vivaFrido

I'm frido and have been listening to you guys for years. Two years ago I was laid off by the bankster. The next day I saw my CEO get arrested for spending more on a toilet than my salary with tarp funds. Then the bank who fired me expected me to pay my mortgage. I have to live in a camper because they took my roof away.

I listened to you, CNBC, and other news as I search for a job. I've been on unemployment for over 2 years searching hard for work. I hear you on iHeart radio. I have a large following via my 45 twitter accounts and there's a bunch of us with MBAs talking on the playstation network.

I've received a lot of buzz on the political stunt at the heat game two as I felt our teams loss. I walked with the conch republic flag all over Miami leading people to cheer up in the keys.

What's the conch republic? We are the Keys! We are sick of our government hurting us as we see 1st hand the effects on tourism, environment, housing, and employment.

I represent them as Ambassador of Conch Republic Czar of Twitter. They drive 6 miles an hour in Keys so they recruited a young whipper snapper to play on his iPhone. Tweet tweet tweet

I'm raising money for children of unemployed who need to recover from surgeries. Well put them up on the keys with accommodations and play playstation for a month.

There's a dead station in Keys as your sister station. I actually got their twitter name before they did. How do I get heard as 28 year old unemployed blogger wishing to run for County Office in Monroe County?

I'm in Tallahassee until Thursday. I'm going to California to learn more about co-op management and twitter campaigns. They rent is too damn high in keys for locals to rent office space.

I'll be visiting my friend weaver at TMH 612. He was ran over by a man who shouldn't be allowed to drive and will have to learn to walk again. Please visit him.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Old Bumpy Rd,Tallahassee,United States

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